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Artificial Intelligence

In October 2023, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of AI. In response to the Executive Order, the U.S. Department of Education committed to developing new resources, policies, and guidance focused on addressing safe, responsible, and accessible uses of AI in education. All of our work builds on the Department’s foundational report released in May 2023, AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning, which underscores the transformative potential of AI in enhancing teaching and learning, emphasizing the need for equitable and ethical implementation. It advocates for the development of AI technologies that support diverse learning environments and recommends establishing robust frameworks to manage AI’s impact on education. This involves fostering collaboration among educators, policymakers, and technologists to ensure AI’s benefits are accessible to all students while safeguarding their privacy and rights.

NEW! Designing for Education with Artificial Intelligence

Listening Sessions

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, with support from Digital Promise, held listening sessions about Artificial Intelligence (AI). We connected with all constituents involved in making decisions about technology in education, including but not limited to teachers, educational leaders, students, parents, technologists, researchers, and policy makers.

The goal of these listening sessions were to gather input, ideas, and engage in conversations that will help the Department shape a vision for AI policy that is inclusive of cutting-edge research and practices while also informed by the opportunities and risks.

Blog Posts

AI Literacy 101: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

This is the first blog in a series exploring artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in education in commemoration of National AI Literacy Day on April 19th, 2024.


AI Literacy: Bridging the AI Literacy Gap in Education

On April 19, 2024, the Office of Educational Technology hosted the U.S. Department of Education’s first AI Literacy Day, a “nationwide day of action inviting students,…


How the Institute of Education Sciences is Supporting Evidence Building for…

In May 2023, OET released our report “AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning”.


10 Emerging Considerations as SEAs Shape AI Guidelines and Guardrails in K–12

State educational agencies are increasingly focused on how to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of AI in their state education settings.


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  • Please Include “OET AI” in the Subject Line
  • For a print-out and summary of the Artificial Intelligence Initiative, please review our AI One-pager